The Cyberdome: Idahoans Protecting Idaho

Thu 3/21, 1:00 pm – 1:50 pm
Boise Centre East #420A
Ed Vasko has spent over 30-years leading cybersecurity companies that provide critical services and platforms to clients around the world. Now, he is deeply involved in solving the national crisis of not having an effective supply of cybersecurity workers to meet our national needs. In this conversation, he shares the details and benefits of the Idaho Cyberdome - a program that rural K-12 districts are welcome to join to help monitor and secure their networks while enabling pathways for post-secondary learners throughout Idaho.

He will also provide perspectives on how this national cybersecurity crisis developed, and how educators, employers, and higher education can work together towards solving our needs regionally, and nationally. Come be a part of this conversation and join the discussion.